Many folks cannot stand dandelions, clover, violets, wild strawberry and a host of other creepy-crawly broadleaf weeds. By definition, a weed is simply a plant that is not desired, out of place if you will. Therefore, one person’s weed is perhaps desired by another.
I often ask clients on a consultation if they want weeds reduced or left alone. The majority have quick answer, such as “I don’t mind them” or “kill them all!” different strokes for different folks. The point I am trying to make is this: you don’t necessarily need to feel obligated to attack every broadleaf weed in your lawn to have it healthy, colorful, and green. Sure, some will flower and it may not have that “golf course” manicured look, but it will certainly be functional for cook outs, picnics, or volleyball.
On the other hand, some folks like a more manicured, groomed lawn with a finer texture and a pleasing roll as the wind combs each blade into a carpet of excellence. Broadleaf weeds are best reduced and attacked when they are actively growing, and that means spring and fall. Tough weeds have waxy coatings which makes them difficult to thin out like ground ivy and violets. Other weeds shake in fear at the mere sight of a bag of weed and feed being loaded up into the spreader for the inevitable is near! Clover and dandelions are easily reduced or completely eliminated in a single season with proper timing and technique.
Weeds are like chocolate and vanilla ice cream, there is an opposite flavor and outlook on each, neither being necessarily right or wrong, better or worse. My final word of caution for those “do it yourself” folks, be vigilant of how much and when you apply your material. Be aware of surface water like rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds as they border your turf area. Be careful not to apply too much product under the illusion of better results, disregarding the label instructions. Have fun, and may your lawn be a source of enjoyment, not a burden to your summer happiness.