Our Process
How Do I Hire Chippers for Tree, Shrub, Land & Garden Care?
How to hire Chippers for Lawn Care follows this section.
- Schedule a complimentary evaluation with one of Chippers Representatives, who are all ISA Certified Arborists by calling 866-683-6222 or at our website via Request an Evaluation. All calls are answered by knowledgeable staff members at our main office in Woodstock VT, Monday through Friday from 7am to 4pm.
- Meet with a Chippers Representative at your property to review the work, discuss your concerns and goals, evaluate your trees, shrubs, landscape and gardens, and then he or she will develop a proposal. If you cannot meet on site, then a phone or email discussion of your objectives will need to take place prior to our onsite evaluation. Depending on the scope of the work, the written proposal will either be provided onsite or emailed/mailed after your evaluation with a rough timeline for when the work will be scheduled. There is no charge for this proposal.
- A rough timetable will be provided with your proposal; it will either be written at the bottom of a handwritten proposal, included in a printed proposal or part of an email proposal. Please be aware that this time frame is based on our workload at the time the proposal is presented. If approval is delayed even by a couple of days, that timetable could change due to several variables. This includes unexpected work due to a storm or the acceptance of one or more very large jobs for other clients. If this is the case, a new rough timetable will be provided (see item 7 for the actual scheduling of the work).
- Review the proposal, making note of any questions for your Chippers Representative regarding the proposed service descriptions or our Terms & Conditions. The proposal is valid for ninety (90) days from the date written.
- Approve the proposal and Terms & Conditions in writing via email, USPS or on this website via Approve a Proposal. Please be aware that the original estimated work start date may change based upon the date we receive the written confirmation of your service request. If you are approving only a portion of the proposal, cross out the items you do not want, initial the items you are authorizing and mail a copy back to us. If you are approving via email and are not able to scan and attach a copy, please list the item numbers as well as the total amount being authorized. Our online process will require you to check off each item number you are approving. In all these instances, we want to be certain of the work you have accepted. Because handwritten proposals do not have item numbers associated with each item, it is best to return a signed copy of handwritten proposals via the USPS with your approval(s) clearly indicated. Please sign and date the proposal before returning with a deposit if needed. We require a deposit of 50% of the estimate for all new clients and for jobs with extensive materials costs. By approving our proposal, you are acknowledging that you have read, understand and agree to our Terms and Conditions.
- We will confirm receipt of your signed proposal via email. Please be sure to provide your email address to your Chippers Representative.
- Service Start Date. Approximately 3- 5 business days prior to your start date, you will be contacted by your Representative to confirm that this date meets your approval. Although we always try to accommodate our clients’ schedules, please keep in mind that we are a weather-dependent service company and Mother Nature may impact our plans, particularly when severe storms hit the area.
- You do not have to be present during the performance of the work, although some clients prefer to be and in that case we attempt to work with your schedule. Our crews are provided with a detailed work order reflecting your contracted services and job specifications and in some cases your Chippers Representative will be on site to start the job.
- All of your services may not be performed at the same time, e.g. stump grinding, plant health care, pruning, mowing & vegetation control are services performed by different crews within separate divisions of our company. Pruning, cabling and removals are performed by tree crews, stump grinding has its own crew, Plant Health & Turf Care technicians perform that work and the Garden Division has its own crews.
- We are known for our cleanup, and depending on the scope of the contracted work, our tree crews chip and remove all debris from your property. If contracted, large wood will be hauled away and sent to its most appropriate destination (lumber, furniture, firewood, compost, mulch, etc.). The areas where work was performed will be blown off and raked, our goal being to leave your property looking as though we were never there. Please note that the quality of the cleanup for winter jobs may not be consistent due to snow and ice.
- You will be invoiced once the work is completed. Your Representative reviews the costs associated with the job to ensure they are within the estimate before being sent to our Woodstock office for processing. You will be sent an invoice reflecting all of the services completed, either by email or mail. You may receive several invoices if there are multiple services being performed over a period of time. Click here if you would like to have your invoices sent via email. Invoices are due upon receipt. Please see our Terms & Conditions for more information on our Terms of Payment. We prefer payment by check or electronic debit card but do accept Visa or Mastercard.
- Please keep a clear and open dialogue to ensure a lasting and productive relationship. If at any time you have a concern and/or question, please do not hesitate to contact us directly. We cannot address a concern if we are unaware that you are not completely satisfied.
How Do I Hire Chippers for Lawn Care?
- Schedule a complimentary evaluation with one of Chippers’ Representatives by calling 866-683-6222, emailing or at our website via Request an Evaluation. All calls are answered by knowledgeable staff members at our main office in Woodstock VT, Monday through Friday from 7am to 4pm.
- A Chippers Representative will personally review each lawn, there are no Google Earth remote estimates or phone bids. Our Representative can meet with you onsite to discuss your goals and any previous or existing problems. While you do not need to be present for an evaluation, a phone or email discussion of your objectives will need to take place prior to our onsite visit. Once the review is complete, a written proposal will either be provided onsite, mailed or emailed after your evaluation, generally within two to five business days, and pertinent educational material supporting the recommended treatments will be included. This plan may range from a single service to a multi-step program based on your expectations and objectives.
- Review the proposal, making note of any questions for your Chippers Representative regarding the proposed service descriptions or our Turf & PHC Terms & Conditions.
- Approve the proposal and the Turf & PHC Terms & Conditions in writing via email, USPS or on this website via Approve a Proposal. If you are approving only a portion of the proposal, cross out the items you do not want, initial the items you are authorizing and mail a copy back to us. If you are approving via email and are not able to scan and attach a copy, please list the item numbers as well as the total amount being authorized. Our online process will require you to check off each item number you are approving. In all these instances, we want to be certain of the work you have accepted. Because handwritten proposals do not have item numbers associated with each item, it is best to return a signed copy of handwritten proposals via the USPS with your approval(s) clearly indicated. Please sign and date the proposal before returning with a deposit if needed. We may require a deposit of 25% of the approved services for all new clients dependent upon the scope of work and materials required. By approving our proposal, you are acknowledging that you have read, understand and agree to our Terms and Conditions.
- If the timing is appropriate, new clients will generally have their first application completed within 10 business days of your approval. However, since many lawn treatments can be affected by rain or other unfavorable weather conditions, these factors may impact the timing of your first and subsequent treatments throughout the growing season.
- We will confirm receipt of your signed proposal via email so please be sure to provide your email address to your Chippers Representative.
- You do not have to be present during the performance of the work throughout the year, although some clients prefer to be pre-notified to have gates unlocked, pets kept indoors, or to coordinate mowing as it relates to certain treatments. Please let your Chippers Representative know if you wish to be pre-notified and the preferred contact method such as email, voice mail or text. In most cases, we provide at least 24hrs notice. While we are happy to accommodate clients who have a real need for pre-notification, please appreciate the fact that this is a time consuming activity and may affect the timing of treatments throughout the year, especially if we do not receive your approval in time. For those receiving pre-notification, unless specifically agreed upon beforehand, we will pre-notify and then proceed with the application as planned…we will not be waiting for your okay to proceed. We cannot guarantee the successful cancellation of an application if you cancel it the day it is scheduled.
- All of your services will be performed and scheduled according to the appropriate time of the year and applicable weather conditions for optimum results by the Turf Division. Multiple treatments may be performed at the same visit or by different turf technicians in the same month due to the type of lawn treatment (spraying or dry treatments for example). In general, the best time of the year for lawn work is spring and fall, therefore most lawn programs are heavily weighted during those time frames with less work being done during the heat of the summer.
- Potential Modifications: Due to unforeseen weather circumstances (prolonged snow/rain/drought), we may need to modify the existing program as appropriate, but only if absolutely necessary to provide the results you expect. Any such change would not affect the annual agreed upon price in your lawn care program and will be implemented only with authorization by Theron Peck, the Turf Division Manager.
- You will be invoiced once an application is completed. So while you will of course only receive one invoice per service, you may receive multiple invoices within a month or even a week, depending on the applications. Many of our clients prefer to prepay since all monthly prepaid $0 balance ‘invoices’ will be held and mailed at the end of each month. This enables you to see what services were completed and when, without receiving multiple invoices within a multiple-application month. Click here if you would like to have your invoices sent via email. Invoices are due upon receipt. Please see our Turf & PHC Terms & Conditions for more information on our Terms of Payment. We prefer payment by check or electronic debit card but do accept Visa or Mastercard.
- Please keep a clear and open dialogue to ensure a lasting and productive relationship. If at any time you have a concern and/or question, please do not hesitate to contact us directly. We cannot address a concern if we are unaware that you are not completely satisfied.