We are pleased to announce Chippers has been licensed to offer organic mosquito & tick control to treat organically for mosquitos in both New Hampshire and Vermont. This organic spray treatment is effective against both mosquitos and ticks.
Licenses and Permits
To ensure that our team is property trained to safely deliver the highest quality services, Chippers has long held many New Hampshire and Vermont state licenses and permits. There are specific licenses and permits required by law to treat your lawn, ornamental trees/shrubs and fruit trees. One is for control of ticks and weeds in driveways. Another is for the special care needed around sensitive watersheds such as Lake Sunapee. We have now added mosquito control to our toolbox and you can be assured we know how to use this new tool safely and effectively.
What is This New Service?
This organic product consists of several organic oils that we have used to combat ticks for years. The difference is how the product is delivered. Mosquito control requires a mist blower to produce a fogging application vs. the spray hose that produces a coarse but more targeted spray suitable for reaching ticks. While most applications will be done via a hose from our turf trucks, harder to reach areas can treated via a specially equipped backpack. This mosquito/tick combo application will still focus on lawn areas, ornamental beds and woodland edges. General information about successful mosquito control is found at the US EPA.
Timing for Mosquito Control
We offer five (5) monthly sprays, May through September, when adult mosquitos are most active. We can certainly add more if Mother Nature throws a curve ball or two! The number of applications is totally yours to make depending upon your location and the time you spend outside. Optimum control will be achieved with all five (5) treatments, although we suspect some folks may opt to just have us spray during the summer months or just for special outdoor events. If you do have a special event, please be sure we have several weeks’ notice to properly schedule the application.
Tick Control
Keep in mind that the most effective times of year to treat for ticks are spring and fall, not always coinciding with the combination mosquito/tick application. So you will likely need to supplement a mosquito/tick application with one or two tick-only services. You may of course opt out of mosquito control all together and just have tick control, either via organic or traditional services.
The one upside to COVID-19 is that many of us are spending more time enjoying our home’s outdoor spaces. With tick- and mosquito-borne diseases on the rise in both NH and VT, we are pleased to help provide you with a bit more peace of mind.