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Tag: turf

White Grubs in your lawn

I was just finishing up some yard work today and noticed some rather large, creamy color, C shaped grubs worms…

Lawn pests include grubs

There are about eight major types of grubs in NH and VT that cause turf damage, ranging from the classic…

Lawn care companies

A turf program can be defined as creative, client responsive, results oriented, or even thoughtful.  This kind of lawn program would…

Spring Lawn Checklist

The snow is mostly gone, you may even have a few lingering snow banks that refuse to leave, but for…

Crabgrass in your lawn

There is excitement in the air as day time temperatures rise past the 40’s and into the 50’s with the…

Recipe for a great lawn

Expectations on results vary from client to client in terms of what they are looking for when it comes to…

Lawn Fertilizers

There was a day when if you wanted a green lawn, you grabbed a bag of fertilizer and loaded up…

Organic lawn treatments

  Are you considering some lawn treatments but you are concerned about the kids, pets, the environment, and general safety…